

Threat Awareness and Situational Intelligence

Mitigate Risk and Improve Response and Recovery

Organizations face more threats than ever before. Identifying and acting upon relevant intelligence is vital to operational excellence. Proactive monitoring of threats and emerging situations can help mitigate risk and improve response and recovery.

Developed by Swan Island Networks, the TX360® platform sorts through over 1,000 open source data channels to efficiently identify situational intelligence that is critical during a crisis, allowing security professionals to make faster, better informed decisions with highly relevant, real-time alerts and a comprehensive common operating picture of intel from around the world or down the street.

The cloud-based, all-hazards threat monitoring and situational awareness platform enables highly secure and targeted delivery of critical information to identify and manage the most relevant emerging risks and threats.

Key Features:

  • Cloud-based: Built on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud provides high availability, scalability, redundancy and SaaS delivery model.

  • Easy to use: Transmits intelligence to executive and field recipients without training,while giving expert users a short learning curve for a full range of creation capabilities.

  • Rapid to deploy: Implements within hours versus weeks/months for other solutions.

  • Customizable: Delivers tailored content without programming by customer personnel.

  • Configurable: Fits all organizations, from a small business in one city to a global corporation with thousands of locations, and scales easily from a few users to thousands of users.

  • Highly secure: Offers protected environment with encrypted communication and enables control over who receives information.

  • Integrated: Aligns with other systems, from social media sources to proprietary global threat feeds, as well as custom options and an API for more advanced development.

Key Benefits:

  • Delivers the precise information your people need, when they need it.

  • Speeds up response to threats via proactive, continuous threat monitoring.

  • Streamlines operations and covers more ground through aggregation and filtering of multiple information sources.

  • Provides world-class situational awareness and threat monitoring capabilities that can be deployed in hours, not months.