
Theme Park Safety

Safe Thrills at the Theme Park

Whether you are traveling to a major theme park or attending a local fair this summer, think about these reminders that can help keep you and your family safe.

Before You Get to the Park

  • Wear sunscreen. Apply before you arrive at the park and re-apply after water rides or perspiring heavily.kids riding on roller coaster

  • Prevent heat-related illnesses by drinking lots of water before you hit the rides. Your body can quickly dehydrate in the heat.

  • Wear a comfortable pair of shoes and socks. Also dress for the weather and rides. If you plan on going on water rides, wear clothes that dry fast.

Safety at the Park

  • When you arrive, make a plan with your group for where you will meet if you get separated. Also schedule meeting times to re-connect with your group.

  • Take a photo of any children in your group with your phone when you arrive at the park. If a child gets separated from the group, a photo will help police find them because they will be aware of exactly what the child is wearing, and how they look that day.

  • Be alert to exits and emergency stations.

  • Follow all park rules. If you have small children with you, stay in age-appropriate areas. If you are pregnant or have certain medical conditions, some rides might not be safe for you.

  • Carry minimal cash and leave valuable personal items that could be easily lost or stolen at home.

Ride Safely

  • Hold on tight. Handles and safety bars are there for a reason. Use them to keep your body positioned correctly in the ride and to stay in your seat.

  • Always fasten your seatbelt tightly.

  • Sit up straight and face the proper direction.

  • Read ride warning signs and follow instructions given by the ride operators.


For more information on theme park safety...