
Campus Safety

Stay Safe on Campus

Campus safety is everyone’s responsibility. You can protect yourself and your community by taking steps to decrease your exposure to risks. Being aware of your surroundings, using assertive body language, keeping doors locked and using the buddy system will help you feel safer and may deter an attacker.

Safety Tips for the Office, Classroom, Laboratory or Library

  • Avoid working or studying alone in a building at night. Have a friend available for emergencies.students walking on college campus

  • Avoid using stairs in remote sections of a building.

  • Keep your purse locked up in a drawer or cabinet instead of underneath or on top of your desk.

  • Keep any money or stamps in a locked drawer.

  • Keep personal belongings in view at all times.

  • Never prop doors open, even for a short time, especially fire doors.

  • Do not remove rings to wash hands. They can easily be lost or stolen.

  • Call the police if you see a man entering, leaving or in a woman’s lavatory. Do not stop to ask the individual questions.

  • Report any suspicious behavior to a staff member or the police. Remember the individual’s appearance to relay to the dispatcher. Do not confront the individual.

  • Advise police of any hazards or security problems.

  • Use a walking escort service or walk with a friend at night.


Protecting Yourself in Residence Halls and at Home

  • Always lock your door, even if you intend to return shortly or are just going down the hall.

  • Lock all doors and windows when you are sleeping or are alone.

  • Do not allow strangers to enter the premises.

  • Keep emergency numbers stored in your phone.

  • Do not put your address anywhere that a stranger can gain easy access, such as a key chain or hang tag.

  • On campus, call public safety to report any suspicious activity. Off campus, use the emergency number of the city or town. Immediately give the dispatcher your location and any pertinent information. If possible, stay on the line until help arrives or the dispatcher terminates the call.

  • Utilize a bank account instead of keeping money in your room.

  • Keep ATM cards in a safe place. Never reveal your PIN number to anyone.

  • Never loan your ATM card to anyone, no matter who they are.

  • When possible, use your ATM card during the day. If you must use the machine at night, go to an indoor or otherwise well-lit machine..

For more information on campus safety...

Security on Campus, Inc.