Street Smarts, Micro Intelligence, and Executive Protection
If protective intelligence is the bridge that connects intel and EP, micro intelligence is what holds that bridge together.
If protective intelligence is the bridge that connects intel and EP, micro intelligence is what holds that bridge together.
Biases can be excellent things, for example, when we prefer foods that are good for us to foods that are bad for us, or when we teach our children not to get into cars with strangers.
In this blog, we will be discussing some other aspects of the broader concept of protective intelligence in executive protection.
When corporations consider adding intelligence analysis programs as part of their security efforts, it’s only natural to pose hard questions about return on investment (ROI).
Intelligence analysts now play an increasingly important role in safeguarding a wide variety of corporate interests, too, ranging from the protection of people to understanding risks that might impact anything from supply chains to critical assets such as production facilities, brands and reputations.
When it’s your responsibility to keep people safe on the road, you really want to know what’s coming around the next curve.