
Preparation is Key to Mitigate Gun Violence

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During a midnight screening at a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, 24-year-old James Holmes set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms. Twelve people were killed and 70 others were injured. This incident occurred more than a decade ago yet, unfortunately, active shooter incidents continue to be on the rise. According to Gun Violence Archive, there have been over 370 mass shootings already this year that took the lives of more than 377 people. While some industries face greater risk exposure, all organizations must recognize the reality that there is no exemption from the potential for gun violence occurring on their premises.


Security Strategies for the Active Shooter Threat

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to address the risk of an active shooter incident. Strategies are dependent on the specific organization and environment. That is why it is critical to understand the current threat scope and your unique vulnerability gaps when developing prevention and response plans. If we look at the Aurora shooting, there are important takeaways that can help inform security decision-making. As one example, throughout the Aurora incident, the action movie continued playing at high volume which added to the chaos and confusion. Initially, there was an understandable delay in deciphering the actual sounds of gunfire from the intense sounds of the movie soundtrack. As theater workers and patrons became aware of the situation, workers fled the scene without powering down the movie. This was a major communication disadvantage for first responders and victims. The theater parking lot also became chaotic within minutes following the attack. Challenges in getting response vehicles in and patrons out could have been insurmountable had alternative entry and exit points to the building not been identified.


Prepare to Prevent an Active Shooter Incident

While every layered security plan will include comprehensive response tactics, preparation is critical for preventing an incident. Here are seven considerations for effective planning and preparedness.


  • A comprehensive vulnerability assessment will identify and highlight areas of exposure and risk, providing a roadmap to close those security gaps. While this assessment will serve as a baseline, organizations should perform them with consistency on a periodic basis. No organization or environment is static and new areas of weakness can develop at any time.
  • Organizational due diligence, such as screening and background checks for new hires and vetting of potential partnerships and third-party relationships, can help reduce exposure.
  • Effective and proven tools, including firearms detection canines and well-trained, armed security professionals in plain clothes, can provide a heightened security posture.
  • Coordination with local law and responding agencies can provide timely intel on current and emerging threats within the geographical footprint of your organization.
  • Building a culture of safety in the fight against terrorism through information exchange and an open dialogue with local law enforcement is essential. This will help identify early risk factors and inform any adjustments to security protocol.
  • Employee training will familiarize personnel with proper prevention and response tactics, as well as overall best security practices. Involve first responders in training to obtain timely education, resources and tools. Review the plan regularly to ensure new members are informed and any changing circumstances are properly addressed.
  • In some situations and locations, it can take up to fifteen minutes for law enforcement and first responders to arrive on the scene once an active shooter incident has begun. It is imperative to bridge this gap to preserve life with the help of well-trained personnel.

The safest organizations in today’s threat landscape maintain an active, rigorous and vigilant security posture. They are steadfast on recurrent vulnerability assessments and uncompromising on a robust and layered security plan. High-profile events in history, like Aurora, can serve as a useful tool to help inform best security practices.


In addition to the recommendations shared within this blog, Enhanced Protection Services, developed The Active Shooter Threat and Reducing Risk to highlight recommendations to assist organizations of every size protect their people, property and assets.